Many of us just can’t wait to “grow up” and leave our parents’ home and into our own nest. However, oftentimes, life happens and we need to all co-habit. There’s this fancy term used for this – “Multi-generational living.” In many cultures, we just call it “extended family living.” Same-same.
There are many benefits to multi-generational living:
- Grandkids get to reap the benefits of having grandpa and grandma around – the stories the kids will hear of days then, learning to respect and care for the elders, grandma’s family recipes, etc..
- Many studies have shown that the mental and emotional health of the grandparents are so much better with young ones around.
- Not having to pay for old-age long-term care. Or to pay for 2 homes – yours and your parents’.
- Sharing expenses, sometimes.
- And, let’s admit it – grandparents make great default babysitters!
With the rising costs of home prices, there are more benefits and advantages to multi-generational living than there are inconveniences.